Centre of Excellence in Public Utility Regulation (CEPUR)
Centre of Excellence in Public Utility Regulation (CEPUR)Centre of Excellence in Public Utility Regulation (CEPUR)Centre of Excellence in Public Utility Regulation (CEPUR)
+233 (0) 203327252
GIMPA Greenhill, Accra Ghana
Centre of Excellence in Public Utility Regulation (CEPUR)Centre of Excellence in Public Utility Regulation (CEPUR)Centre of Excellence in Public Utility Regulation (CEPUR)

Upcoming Policy Dialogue: The Future of the Energy Sector in Ghana

The Future of the Energy Sector in Ghana

Ghana’s energy sector is a cornerstone of the nation’s industrial growth and socio-economic development. However, as the sector faces increasing financial pressures, evolving market demands, and the global shift towards sustainable energy, it is clear that the future of Ghana’s energy landscape needs urgent and comprehensive discussion.

In response to these challenges and opportunities, the GIMPA-PURC Centre of Excellence in Public Utility Regulation will host a Policy Dialogue on “The Future of the Energy Sector in Ghana” on Tuesday, October 01, 2024.

Why This Event Matters

The dialogue will examine the current state of Ghana’s energy sector and explore pathways for its sustainable and resilient future. Critical issues such as energy policy reforms, investments in renewable energy, energy pricing, and the efficiency of state-owned enterprises will be addressed. Additionally, the dialogue will focus on how Ghana can align its energy strategy with global trends such as energy transition, climate change mitigation and clean energy development.

Key Topics to be Addressed:

  • Long-term sustainability of Ghana’s energy sector.
  • The potential and investment opportunities in the Ghana energy sector.
  • Challenges in pricing, energy access, and reliability.
  • Role of state-owned enterprises and the possibility of public-private partnerships.
  • The future of energy policy in the context of global climate goals and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Who Will Be Attending?

This policy dialogue will feature representatives from political parties, energy sector professionals, regulatory authorities, academia, civil society, and the media. Their collective insights will provide a roadmap for navigating the challenges and shaping a sustainable future for Ghana’s energy sector.

Stay tuned for more details, and join us for this essential dialogue on Ghana’s energy future.

Date    : Tuesday, October 01, 2024
Venue : GIMPA Campus, Green Hill
Time   : 9:00 am Prompt

Be Part of the Solution!

The future of Ghana’s energy sector depends on informed discussions and strategic decisions. Join the conversation and help shape the path forward!

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