Centre of Excellence in Public Utility Regulation (CEPUR)
Centre of Excellence in Public Utility Regulation (CEPUR)Centre of Excellence in Public Utility Regulation (CEPUR)Centre of Excellence in Public Utility Regulation (CEPUR)
+233 (0) 203327252
GIMPA Greenhill, Accra Ghana
Centre of Excellence in Public Utility Regulation (CEPUR)Centre of Excellence in Public Utility Regulation (CEPUR)Centre of Excellence in Public Utility Regulation (CEPUR)

Month: August 2024

Training on Regional Electricity Markets

Ongoing Training on Regional Electricity Markets by the Centre of Excellence in Public Utility Regulation We are excited to announce that the Centre of Excellence in Public Utility Regulation is currently hosting a comprehensive training program on “Concepts, Issues, and Architecture of Regional Electricity Markets (REMS) – The Case of ECOWAS Regional Electricity Market.” This […]
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.